Friday, May 04, 2007

Touring Thoughts for 2008 - by NK

It is at this time of year that we generally start to think about future touring plans... when and where through Fall 2008.

We have had some places under consideration for a while:

1) Japan - Hide is able to provide us with a unique entry into a unique place. The upside is playing/seeing a truly unique place: The downsides - costs look very high, weather is very unpredictable, we have to travel in the summer. Timing - Labor Day 2008, length of tour - 12 days: Price estimate incl air - $3500 per person

2a) Argentina - We have had multiple positive reports about Argentina - great clubs, great hospitality, and a tour operator who can help us (website). The downside is that they want most of the payment in advance.
2b) Chile: Just discovered their website - ( Grounds and philosophy look like they are a good match for us. Downside - tough to get to Santiago.

For both trips - Timing - President's Day, Length of Tour - 10 Days. Estimate incl air - $2500 per person

3) England - either Devon/Dorset or Cambridgeshire: Many of our non-English members have requested a trip: Lazy summer days, cream teas, a decent pint, and as much cricket as we can handle make this sound like a great destination: The downside - $2 to the pound, and (potentially) the weather. Timing - July 4th 2008, length of tour 11 days. Estimate $2500 per Person inc air

4) Hong Kong - A recent addition to the list: Great grounds, fun teams, potentially a trip to China? Maybe?? Timing unknown, length of tour unknown HKCC
Estimate $2500 per Person inc air

5) Holland - I hear this is a great destination - fun clubs, and all the pleasures of Amsterdam. Timing - July 4th 2008, length of tour 11 days. tour. Estimate $2500 per Person incl air
Opinions? Ideas? Let's discuss!

6) Estonia - Junior's alternate tour. This is an Ice Cricket Tour. Sarasota and the beach in January, Estonia and the ice in February? Two dates to pick from January 31 to February 3 or February 28 to March 2. Price less than $1,000. Length of tour 4 days.



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